Navigating the Resources Provided by Parent Support for Online Learning

Parent Support for Online Learning has provided resources, guidance, and mentorship to families since traditional school systems closed due to COVID-19. While our group is relatively new, our expertise comes from years of experience as online students, parents, educators, and advocates.

We understand the transition to full-time online learning can be challenging, and we know parents can always use encouragement and resources as they support their student’s educations. Through this website and our Facebook support group, we hope to give parents the resources they need to help their students be successful in the online learning environment.

Resources provided by Parent Support for Online Learning:

We encourage families to tap into these resources whether they are utilizing remote learning provided by their traditional schools, enrolled in full-time online or blended learning programs, homeschooling, or simply looking for online opportunities to support their children’s education. Parents don’t have to go it alone during online learning, and our community is here to help!


Student Motivation and Engagement Tips for Online Learning